Sunday, September 6, 2009

9th and 10th day

Now we are in Sault Ste Marie.
We arived here yesterday evening and found a place to set a tent. We met a person called Tree doctor, who letted us use "his" backyard.
Sunday ( 10th day) we are just relaxing in this city. Getting more strenght etc.

Big news coming up. It looks like i am ( martin ) quiting. Not Brad or Kris, but me.
It was good journey. I found what i was looking for, had thoughts about my life and got tired mentally of pushing Kris and Brad all the time. So my journey ends to west coust.

Brad and Kris will continue this trip. And i'll try to help them as ia can from home.

So it looks i am going back to Toronto for a while.
When i will got home i will write down all the details of every day :)

No Regrets.


  1. WHAT!!??? Martin u gotta be kiddin me??? I thought you were the one who wanted to do this the most? Anyway though buddy, no big deal. We all miss you here and we'll be here for u when u get back. At least you got what you needed from the trip so that's good. Hope you're getting a train on ur way bak and riding the bike all by urself.

    Miss you,

  2. lolz i meant "not" riding the bike all by urself. lolz sry bwt that, too tired today
